Template information

The templates are available under 'Template Wizard' menu on project database pages


The Redox Potential data entry template has been developed and provided by NANOINFORMATIX .


The Template Wizard shows the options in a web form and generates the template customized with the selected options. Each template has a set of common options (project, partner, workpackage, SOP) and a set of template specific options. Some of the options set the values of specific fields, while other options affect the data layout.
Redox Potential

  • Specify the exact number of experiments and the number of replicates
  • Enter comma separated list of concentrations, time points and labels for positive and negative controls
  • The actual controls can be specified in the spreadsheet
  • The layout of the raw data and results sheet depends on the number of the experiments and replicates, the concentrations and time points
  • There is no need to select the material(s), this could be done once the template is generated
  • Please use decimal point "." as decimal separator when entering numbers!
  • Please do not rearrange and move fields around; if you need to adapt the template, contact the project data manager!


Each template contains a Materials sheet, which lists materials specific for the project. The material identifiers can be defined internally by the project or use an external system of identifiers (e.g. European Registry of Materials). The materials list is used as dropdowns (data validation) in the data sheets to ensure consistent spelling and reference to the materials.
The best practice is to agree on unique naming of materials within project and use the generated templates with predefined lists of materials. It is possible to add materials in the downloaded template, however, it might result in inconsistent naming across project partners.


  • Log into the project database at the Nanosafety Data Interface
  • Click at the Template Wizard menu
  • Select the type of templates (physchem, ecotox, in-vitro, exposure and release templates) from the dropdown menu
  • At the Template Wizard page select the Redox Potential template.
  • Fill in the relevant options in the web form and click Download
  • Fill in the template
  • Upload the file a dedicated results location, as agreed within the project
The files will be taken from the agreed results location, assigned a NMDataParser configuration and imported into project-specific eNanoMapper database instance, using the eNanoMapper FAIRification workflow.
The Template Wizard will provide optional download of NMDataParser configurations for users willing to import data to eNanoMapper database by themselves (tutorial).